Company Secretary
Company Secretary Service - Please contact Miss Yu (852) 2156 9955 (5 lines)
What is company secretary?
According to Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, each limited company should have a company secretary.Who should be :
- A Hong Kong resident, or
- A Hong Kong registered limited company.
The duty of company secretary is to maintain proper company record as required and stated in Companies Ordinance (not accounting records).These include :
- Submit annual return to Company Registry;
- Maintain shareholders and directors record;
- File proper return to Company Registry as and when certain transaction happens, such as allotment of shares, legal charge of asset etc.
What is company secretary?
We will be your company secretary for registration purpose.
We will prepare and file annual return to Companies Registry. The government fee is not included and will be billed to you separately.
We will provide advisory service to your company on company secretarial matters.
We charge separately on all other works that we have to do in the capacity of your company secretary. Please refer to "Service charging on job basis" for the charge on each kind of service.
Company Secretarial Service : HK$5,000/year (Formation of company with Company Secretary Special price) |
C&T Acting as Company Secretary |
Prepare and filing annual return |
Provide advisory on Company Secretarial matters |
Other service charged separately |
Service charging on job basis :
Transfer of shares (per transfer) |
Increase authorized shares (per class of share capital) |
Allotment of shares (per allotee) |
Registration of branch office |
Change of company name (Including re-printing of M&A and government fee) |
Written Resolution for change of shareholding / director / company secretary |
Written Resolution for Annual Members or Directors Meeting |
Written Resolution for Minute of Directors' / Members' Meeting |
Arrange certified true copy by Certified Public Accountants |